Strategy • Branding • Design
Web • Promotion

Bee-line was retained in September, 2009 to create thought leadership and a marketing plan to support media personality Suze Orman’s “move your money to credit unions” campaign. This unique thought leadership needed to continue to assert Orman as a national expert on financial planning, with exclusive advice for her followers. The strategy centered around the issue of exploding consumer credit card rates and a call-to-action to migrate consumers to Credit Union credit card programs. At the time in our national economy, credit card rates were soaring. Credit Union credit cards offered no balance transfer fees, low rates and consumer centric programs. The campaign launched with Orman on Larry King Live on December 10, 2009.
Orman also directed consumers to a new website and advocacy site created by Bee-line, creditcardconnection.org. The site existed to channel consumer interest in locating a credit union they could join, with a credit card they could afford.
In anticipation of the buzz, Bee-line created marketing packages for credit unions across the nation to buy into. The packages included digital ad plans, OOH, creative and instore (bank) advocacy advertisements featuring Orman.

The publicity and campaign was the largest boom ever for credit unions, resulting in hundreds of hours of media coverage throughout the nation, spots on Oprah, CNBC, CNN, NBC’s Today Show to name a few. The campaign also continued to generate media interest in Orman’s advocacy through 2010.

Does your organization need innovative ideas that fuel results? We are Bee-line. We are experts at creating sponsorship solutions and unique advocacy solutions for clients. If you are a trade organization looking for ways to rally your members, contact us.